

Checks if each group in a panel dataset covers the maximum time span.


groupIsBalanced = pdIsBalanced(df[, groupvar, datevar])#
  • df (Dataframe) – Contains long-form (stacked) panel data with (N_i * T_i) rows, where (N_i * T_i) is the total number of observations across all groups, and K columns representing variables. Must contain at least one categorical or string variable for identifying group membership and at least one date variable.

  • groupvar (String) – Optional, specifies the name of the variable used to identify group membership for panel observations. Defaults to the first categorical or string variable in the dataframe.

  • datevar (String) – Optional, specifies the name of the variable used to identify dates for panel observations. Defaults to the first date variable in the dataframe.


groupIsBalanced (Dataframe) – Indicates whether each group in the panel dataset spans the full time range of the dataset. Each group is assigned a value of 1 if it covers the full time span, 0 otherwise.


// Example dataframe
df = asDF("Group Date Variable",
          { "A" 1 10,
            "A" 2 20,
            "B" 1 30,
            "B" 3 40 });

// Check if each group covers the maximum time span
groupIsBalanced = pdIsBalanced(df);

The code above will return:

Group    IsBalanced
A        1
B        0


This function takes long-form panel data. To transform wide data to long-form data see dfLonger().

This function assumes panel is sorted by group and date. Note that panel data can be sorted using pdSort().

This function evaluates whether each group in a panel dataset spans the maximum time range observed across all groups.

  • If groupvar is not provided, the function defaults to the first categorical or string variable in the dataframe.

  • If datevar is not provided, the function defaults to the first date variable in the dataframe.

The resulting dataframe contains each group and a corresponding indicator (1 or 0) to represent whether the group covers the full time span.