

Displays the global symbol table.


show -flags symbol;
show -flags;
show symbol;



flags to specify the symbol type that is shown






fn functions






show only symbols with global references


show only symbols with all local references


the name of the symbol to be shown. If the last character is an asterisk (*), all symbols beginning with the supplied characters will be shown.


show -fpg eig*;

This command will show all functions and procedures that have global references and begin with eig.

show -m;

This command will show all matrices.


If there are no arguments, the entire symbol table will be displayed.

show is directed to the auxiliary output if it is open.

Here is an example listing with an explanation of the columns. Note that show does not display the column titles shown here:

Memory used Name Cplx Type References Info
128 bytes a MATRIX 4,4
672 bytes add KEYWORD global refs 0=1
192 bytes area FUNCTION local refs 1=1
256 bytes c C MATRIX 4,4
296 bytes p1 PROCEDURE local refs 1=1
384 bytes p2 PROCEDURE global refs 0=1
8 bytes ps1 STRUCT sdat *
16 bytes s STRING 8 char
312 bytes s1 STRUCT sdat 1,1
40 bytes sa STRING ARRAY 3,1
56 bytes sm SPARSE MATRIX 15,15
2104 bytes token PROCEDURE local refs 2=1
216 bytes y ARRAY 3 dims 2,3,4
672 bytes program space used
12 global symbols, 2000 maximum, 12 shown
0 active locals, 2000 maximum
1 active structure

The Memory used column gives the amount of memory used by each item.

The Name column gives the name of each symbol.

The Cplx column contains a C if the symbol is a complex matrix.

The Type column specifies the type of the symbol. It can be ARRAY, FUNCTION, KEYWORD, MATRIX, PROCEDURE, STRING, STRING ARRAY, or STRUCT.

If the symbol is a procedure, keyword or function, the References column will show if it makes any global references. If it makes only local references, the procedure or function can be saved to disk in an .fcg file with the save command. If the function or procedure makes any global references, it cannot be saved in an .fcg file.

If the symbol is a structure, the References column will contain the structure type. A structure pointer is indicated by a * following the structure type.

The Info column depends on the type of the symbol. If the symbol is a procedure or a function, it gives the number of values that the function or procedure returns and the number of arguments that need to be passed to it when it is called. If the symbol is a matrix, sparse matrix, string array or array of structures, then the Info column gives the number of rows and columns. If the symbol is a string, then it gives the number of characters in the string. If the symbol is an N-dimensional array, then it gives the orders of each dimension. As follows:


if procedure, keyword, or function


if matrix, sparse matrix, string array, or structure


if string


if array, where \(N\) is the slowest moving dimension of the array, and Ord is the order (or size) of a dimension

If the symbol is an array of structures, the Info column will display the size of the array. A scalar structure instance is treated as a 1x1 array of structures. If the symbol is a structure pointer, the Info column will be blank.

The program space is the area of space reserved for all nonprocedure, nonfunction program code. The maximum program space can be controlled by the new command.

The maximum number of global and local symbols is controlled by the maxglobals and maxlocals configuration variables in gauss.cfg.

See also

Functions new, delete