

Compute the complex QZ, or generalized Schur, form of a pair of real or complex general matrices with an option to sort the eigenvalues.


{ S, T, Q, Z } = qz(A, B[, sort_type])#
  • A (NxN matrix) – real or complex general matrix

  • B (NxN matrix) – real or complex general matrix

  • sort_type (scalar or string) –

    Optional input, specifying how to sort the eigenvalues. Options include:



    Absolute value of the eigenvalue less than 1.0. (Unit disk inside)



    Absolute value of the eigenvalue greater than or equal to 1.0. (Unit disk outside)



    Value of the real portion of the eigenvalue less than 0. (Left hand plane)



    Value of the real portion of the eigenvalue greater than 0. (Right hand plane)



    Real eigenvalues first. (Complex portion less than imagtol see remarks section)



    Complex eigenvalues first. (Complex portion greater than imagtol see remarks section)

  • S (NxN matrix) – Schur form of A

  • T (NxN matrix) – Schur form of B

  • Q (NxN matrix) – left Schur vectors

  • Z (NxN matrix) – right Schur vectors


Basic usage#

// For repeatable random numbers
rndseed 23434;

// Matrix dimensions
order = 4;

// Create 2 square, real matricies
A = rndn(order, order);
B = rndn(order, order);

// Perform 'QZ' decomposition
{ S, T, Q, Z } =  qz(A, B);

// Calculate generalized eigenvalues
eig_vals = diag(S) ./ diag(T);

print "Generalized eigenvalues = ";
print eig_vals;

print "Absolute value of the generalized eigenvalues = ";
print abs(eig_vals);

The above code should return the following output:

Generalized eigenvalues =

       20.703871 -    1.9686543e-16i
      0.16170711 -    1.6939178e-17i
     -0.83402664 -       0.34681937i
     -0.83402664 +       0.34681937i

Absolute value of the generalized eigenvalues =


Ordering eigenvalues#

You can order the eigenvalues, by passing in the optional third input, sort_type. The code below uses the same A and B variables made in the example above.

// Perform 'QZ' decomposition and
// reorder generalized eigenvalues, placing
// those with absolute value less than 1
// on the upper left
{ S, T, Q, Z } =  qz(A, B, "udi");

// Calculate generalized eigenvalues
eig_vals = diag(S) ./ diag(T);

print "Generalized eigenvalues = ";
print (eig_vals);

print "Absolute value of the generalized eigenvalues = ";
print abs(eig_vals);

The code above should print out the sorted eigenvalues as we see below.

Generalized eigenvalues =

     0.16170711 -    1.6819697e-17i
    -0.83402664 -       0.34681937i
    -0.83402664 +       0.34681937i
      20.703871 -    2.1311282e-14i

Absolute value of the generalized eigenvalues =



  • The pair of matrices S and T are in generalized complex Schur form if S and T are upper triangular and the diagonal of T contains positive real numbers.

  • The real generalized eigenvalues can be computed by dividing the diagonal element of S by the corresponding diagonal element of T.

  • The generalized Schur vectors Q and Z are orthogonal matrices (\(Q'Q = I\) and \(Z'Z = I\)) that reduce A and B to Schur form:

    \[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}S = Q'A*Z T = Q'B*Z\\A = Q*S*Z' B = Q*T*Z'\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
  • For the real generalized schur decomposition, call lapgschur().

  • If only the generalized eigenvalues are needed, you can call lapgeig(), or lapgeigv().

  • By default imagtol is set to 2.23e-16. If your program requires imagtol to be a different value, you may change it using sysstate() case 21, like this:

    // Set imagtol to 1e-15
    imagtol_org = sysstate(21, 1e-15);

    Note that while the function qz() IS threadsafe, setting imagtol is NOT threadsafe. Therefore, imagtol should not be changed inside of a Format or Format block.

  • This procedure calls the LAPACK routine ZGGES.