

Hides or enables the display of the x-axis.


plotSetXShow(&myPlot, is_on)#
  • &myPlot (struct pointer) – A plotControl structure pointer.

  • is_on (Scalar, or 2x1 matrix) – A 0 to hide the x-axis, or a 1 to show it.


// Declare plotControl structure
struct plotControl myPlot;

// Initialize plotControl structure
myPlot = plotGetDefaults("xy");

// Turn off the bottom x-axis
plotSetXShow(&myPlot, 0);

// Create data
x = seqa(0.1, 0.1, 50);
y = sin(x)~cos(x);

// Plot the data
plotXY(myPlot, x, y);


  • plotSetXShow() will not force an axis to be shown unless a series of data is attached to it. By default, data will be attached to the bottom x-axis. Use plotSetWhichXAxis() to control which x-axis a series of data is attached to.

  • If is_on is a scalar, it will apply to the top and bottom x-axis. If it is a 2x1 matrix, the first element will control the bottom x-axis and the second will control the top x-axis.


This function sets an attribute in a plotControl structure. It does not affect an existing graph, or a new graph drawn using the default settings that are accessible from the Tools > Preferences > Graphics menu.

See also

Functions plotGetDefaults(), plotSetXRange()