

Loads an N-dimensional array from a disk file.


loadarray [[path=path]] x, y = filename;


If no filename is given, as with x above, then the symbol name the file is to be loaded into is used as the filename, and the proper extension is added.

If more than one item is to be loaded in a single statement, the names should be separated by commas.

The filename can be either a literal or a string. If the filename is in a string variable, then the ^ (caret) operator must precede the name of the string, as in:

filestr = "mydata/adat";
loadarray x = ^filestr;

If no extension is supplied, then an .fmt extension will be assumed.

loadarray accepts pathnames. The following is legal:

loadarray k = /gauss/a;

This will load /gauss/a.fmt into k.

If the path= subcommand is used, the path string will be remembered until changed in a subsequent command. This path will be used for all loadarray, Format, and Format calls whenever none is specified.

The current path setting can be obtained (and changed) with the sysstate() function, case 5.

loadarray path = /data;

This will change the loadarray path without loading anything.

loadarray path = /gauss a,b,c;

This will load a.fmt, b.fmt, and c.fmt using /gauss as a path. This path will be used for the next loadarray, Format, or Format call if none is specified.

The Format path or save path can be overridden in any particular Format or save by putting an explicit path on the filename given to Format from or save to as follows:

loadarray path = /miscdata;
loadarray a = /data/mydata1, b, c = hisdata;

In the above program:

/data/mydata1.fmt would be loaded into an array called a.

/miscdata/b.fmt would be loaded into an array called b.

/miscdata/hisdata.fmt would be loaded into an array called c.

oldarraypath = sysstate(5,"/data");
loadarray a, b;
call  sysstate(5,oldarraypath);

This will get the old loadarray path, set it to /data, load a.fmt and b.fmt, and reset the loadarray path to its original setting.

See also

Functions Format, save, let, sysstate()