

Generates a horizontal bar graph.


plotBarH([myPlot, ]labels, height)#
  • myPlot (struct) – Optional argument, a plotControl structure

  • labels (Nx1 numeric vector or Nx1 string array) – bar labels. If scalar 0, a sequence from 1 to rows(height) will be created.

  • height (NxK numeric vector) – bar heights. K overlapping or side-by-side sets of N bars will be graphed.


Basic example with string labels#

// Create data and labels
labels = "January" $| "June";
temp = { 68, 105 };

// Draw bar graph
plotBarH(labels, temp);

Basic example with numeric labels#

You may also pass in a numeric vector for the y-axis labels. This example will produce the a graph which looks the same as the graph above, except for the y-axis labels.

// Create data and labels
labels = { 4, 5 };
temp = { 68, 105 };

// Draw bar graph
plotBarH(labels, temp);

Customized horizontal bar plot#


// Create 2x1 numeric vectors
seattle = { 47, 70 };
phoenix = { 68, 105 };

// Create 2x1 string labels
labels = "January" $| "June";

// Declare 'myPlot' to be a plotControl struct
// and fill with defaults settings for bar plots
struct plotControl myPlot;
myPlot = plotGetDefaults("bar");

// Create legend
leg_text = "Phoenix" $| "Seattle";
plotSetLegend(&myPlot, leg_text, "bottom right inside");

// Set legend border to zero pixels wide
plotSetLegendBorder(&myPlot, "gray", 0);

// Set Fill to different diagonal stripe patterns
// and 100% opacity
plotSetFill(&myPlot, 12|13, 1);

// Use HTML to create the degrees symbol
plotSetXLabel(&myPlot, "Temp °F");

// Concatenate temperature vectors
// into a 2x2 matrix
heights =  phoenix ~ seattle;

// Draw the graph
plotBarH(myPlot, labels, heights);


  • To control the color and texture of the bars as well as whether they are stacked or side by side:

    • If you are passing a plotControl structure to your graph, you may use the function plotSetFill().

    • If you are not passing a plotControl structure, these properties are set in the Preferences. To access the Graphics Preferences, select Tools > Preferences from the GAUSS main menu. Select Graphics on the left side of the preferences and then select Bar from the list of graph types.

  • plotSetBar() can be used to create stacked bar plots.

See also

Functions plotBar(), plotSetFill(), plotHistP()