Performs a test of slope equality after quantileFit()
- { waldTest, p_value } = qFitSlopeTest()#
- Parameters:
qout – Post-estimation filled
output structure.joint (Scalar) – Indicator variable specifying to perform joint test.
- Returns:
waldTest (Vector) – The statistic for testing the null joint hypothesis specified by the R and q inputs.
p_value (Vector) – The p-value associated with the Wald statistic.
Basic test with estimation output structure#
The default settings of the waldTest()
procedure test the joint hypotheses that all variables equal zero.
// Data file name
fname = __FILE_DIR $+ "regsmpl.dta";
// Set up tau for regression
tau = 0.35|0.55|0.85;
// Set up control structure
struct qfitControl qCtl;
qCtl = qfitControlCreate();
// Call quantileFit
struct qfitOut qOut;
qOut = quantileFit(fname, "ln_wage~age + age:age + tenure", tau, qCtl);
// Test slope equality
The code above will print a test summary.
Joint Test of Equality in Slopes :
tau in { 0.35 , 0.55 , 0.85 }
Model: ln_wage ~
age + age_age + tenure
F( 9, 28097 ): 138.2
Prob > F : 2.378e-25
See also