

Accesses an alternate editor.


ed filename

filename (literal) – the name of the file to be edited.


If your GAUSS working directory is GAUSSHOME/examples, then you can open the example file ols.e in the alternate editor with this command:

ed ols.e


The default name of the editor is set in gauss.cfg. To change the name of the editor used from within a GAUSS session enter:

ed = editor_name flags;


ed = "editor_name flags";


Set the alternate editor to Notepad.

ed = notepad.exe;


Set the alternate editor to TextEdit.

ed = open -a TextEdit;
  • The flags are any command line flags you may want between the name of the editor and the filename when your editor is invoked. The quoted version will prevent the flags, if any, from being forced to uppercase.

  • If no path is specified, the editor will look for the file in the GAUSS working directory.

  • This command can be placed in the startup file, so it will be set for you automatically when you start GAUSS.

  • See the edit command to open a file in the GAUSS editor from the command line.