

Computes the real or complex Schur form of a square matrix with the option to sort the eigenvalues.


{ S, Z } = schur(A[, flag[, sort_type]])#
  • A (KxK matrix) – data

  • flag (string) –

    Optional input, to control whether output should be in real or complex Schur form. Valid options include:

    • "complex"

    • "real"

  • sort_type (string) –

    Optional input, specifying how to sort the eigenvalues. Options include:



    Absolute value of the eigenvalue less than 1.0. (Unit disk inside)



    Absolute value of the eigenvalue greater than or equal to 1.0. (Unit disk outside)



    Value of the real portion of the eigenvalue less than 0. (Left hand plane)



    Value of the real portion of the eigenvalue greater than 0. (Right hand plane)



    Real eigenvalues first. (Complex portion less than imagtol see remarks section)



    Complex eigenvalues first. (Complex portion greater than imagtol see remarks section)

  • S (KxK matrix) – Schur form.

  • Z (KxK matrix) – transformation matrix.


Real matrix with all real eigenvalues#

// Create a 2 x 2 matrix
A = { 7 -2,
     12 -5 };

// Calculate eigenvalues of 'A'
lambda = eig(A);

After the code above, lambda should equal:

// Continuing with 'A' from above
{ S, Z } = schur(A);

Now S and Z should equal:

S = 4.4641   -14.000  Z =  0.6193   -0.7852
         0   -2.4641       0.7852    0.6193

Real matrix with some complex eigenvalues#

// Create a 3 x 3 matrix
A = {  1  -4  -1,
       3  -1   9,
      -9   1  -2 };

// Calculate real schur form, with complex eigenvalues
// stored as 2 x 2 blocks on the diagonal
{ S_r, Z_r } = schur(A, "real");

// Calculate complex schur form
{ S_c, Z_c } = schur(A, "complex");

After the code above:

S_r = -7.2208   8.6875   -1.7726
      -4.4007  -1.1773    1.5989
            0        0    6.3981

Z_r = -0.1304  0.7105 -0.6915
       0.6913  0.5651  0.4502
      -0.7107  0.4193  0.5649

S_c = -4.1991+5.3945i  -2.5084+6.9720i   1.0168-0.7763i
                 0+0i  -4.1991-5.3945i   1.9825-0.3630i
                 0+0i             0+0i        6.3981+0i

Z_c =  0.3275 -   0.1759i   0.5326 +   0.3160i  -0.6915
       0.1102 -   0.7700i   0.0023 +   0.4385i   0.4502
       0.3132 +   0.3984i   0.6502 +   0.0373i   0.5649

Complex matrix with sorted eigenvalues#

// Create a 3 x 3 complex matrix
A = { -1.9615 + 0.4382i   0.0655 + 0.6913i  -1.1424 + 0.1997i,
       0.1244 + 0.3783i  -0.2821 + 0.0588i   0.4854 + 0.4700i,
       1.1271 + 0.7045i  -1.5245 - 0.9966i   1.4969 + 0.4450i };

// Place eigenvalues in unit circle at top-left
{ S, Z } = schur(A, "complex", "udi");

After the code above:

     -0.3548 +   0.8005i   2.4873 -   0.4942i  -1.3144 +   0.7286i
S =   0.0000               1.0504 -   0.5581i   0.1763 +   0.7846i
      0.0000               0.0000              -1.4423 +   0.6996i

      0.3692 -   0.2393i  -0.0144 +   0.2838i   0.5890 -   0.6155i
Z =  -0.3907 +   0.2625i   0.5407 -   0.5251i   0.4161 -   0.1930i
     -0.7530 -   0.1336i  -0.5813 +   0.1154i   0.2225 -   0.1201i


If a real matrix is passed in without a flag variable, the real Schur form will be returned. If a complex matrix is passed in without a flag variable, GAUSS will check to see if any of the imaginary elements are greater than imagtol (2.23e-16 by default). If any imaginary elements are greater than imagtol, the complex Schur form will be calculated, otherwise the real Schur form will be returned. If a real flag is passed in with a complex matrix, the flag will be ignored and the complex Schur factorization will be returned.

The real Schur form is an upper quasi-triangular matrix, that is, it is block triangular where the blocks are 2x2 submatrices which correspond to complex eigenvalues of A. If A has no complex eigenvalues, S will be strictly upper triangular. To convert the real Schur form of S to the complex Schur form, use the Run-Time Library function schtoc().

Z is an orthogonal matrix that transforms A into S and vice versa. Thus

S = Z'*A*Z;

and since Z is orthogonal,

A = Z*S*Z';

See also

Functions hess(), schtoc()