

Reads data from CSV file into a GAUSS string array.


s = csvReadSA(file[, row_range[, col_range[, delimiter[, quote_char]]]])#
  • file (string) – name of CSV file.

  • row_range (scalar or 2x1 matrix) – Optional input. The first element of row_range will specify the first row of the file to read. If there is a second element in row_range, it will specify the last row to read from the file. If there is no second element in row_range, GAUSS will read to the end of the file. If row_range is not passed in, all rows will be read from the file. Default = 1.

  • col_range (scalar or 2x1 matrix) – Optional input. The first element of col_range will specify the first column of the file to read. If there is a second element in col_range, it will specify the last column to read from the file. If there is no second element in col_range, GAUSS will read to the end of the file. If col_range is not passed in, all columns will be read from the file. Default = 1.

  • delimiter (string) –

    Optional input. The character used to separate elements in the file. Examples include:

    • space " "

    • tab "\t"

    • semi-colon ";"

    • comma "," (Default)

  • quote_char (string) – Optional input. The character used to indicate a quoted field.


s (string array) – data read from the CSV file.


Basic Example#

Read all contents from the file myfile.csv located in your current GAUSS working directory.

s = csvReadSA("myfile.csv");

Read From a Row Range#

// Row range will be from line 1 to line 25
row_range = { 1, 25 };

// Load the data from rows 1 to 25 into 's'
s = csvReadSA("myfile.csv", row_range);

Read all rows from a range of columns#

// Row range from the first line to the end of the file
row_range = 1;

// Read only columns 2 though 7
col_range = { 2, 7 };

// Load the data from columns 2 through 7 into 's'
s = csvReadSA("myfile.csv", row_range, col_range);

Read all rows from one column#

// Row range from the first line to the end of the file
row_range = 1;

// Read only column 4
col_range = { 4, 4 };

// Load the data from column 4 into 's'
s = csvReadSA("myfile.csv", row_range, col_range);

Specify full path to file#


s = csvReadSA("C:\\mydata\\myfile.csv");


Notice that double backslashes are needed inside of a string on Windows


s = csvReadSA("/Users/MyUserName/myfile.csv");


s = csvReadSA("/home/my_user/myfile.csv");


The standard input stream (stdin) can be read with csvReadSA() by passing in __STDIN as the filename input. Note that __STDIN should not be passed as a string, surrounded by quotes. Correct usage is shown below:

x = csvReadSA(__STDIN);