

Returns the type of data (the number of bytes per element) in a GAUSS dataset.


y = typef(fp)#

fp (scalar) – file handle of an open file.


y (scalar) – type of data in GAUSS dataset.


// Assign a variable to represent each of our file names
infile = "dat1";
outfile = "dat2";

// Open the file "dat1" for reading.
// Note: The ^ before 'infile' tells GAUSS to use the value
// of the string variable 'infile' (which is 'dat1' in this
// case) rather than name of the variable.
open fin = ^infile;

// Get the names of the variables that are saved in the
// dataset
names = getname(infile);

// Create a new dataset file using the same variable names
// as 'dat1', with 1 column per data element and using the
// same size data, i.e. the number of bytes per element, as
// the data in 'dat1'
create fout = ^outfile with ^names, 0, typef(fin);

In this example, a file dat2.dat is created which has the same variables and variable type as the input file, dat1.dat. typef() is used to return the type of the input file data for the create statement.


If fp is a valid GAUSS file handle, then y will be set to the type of the data in the file as follows:


2-byte signed integer


4-byte IEEE floating point


8-byte IEEE floating point

See also

Functions colsf(), rowsf()