

Prints an error message to the window and error log file, along with the file name and line number at which the error occurred.


errorlogat str

str (string) – the error message to print.


This command enables you to do your own error handling in your GAUSS programs.

To print an error message to the error window and error log file without the file name and line number, use errorlog().


// Set X to be equal to +Infinity
X = __INFP;

// Check to see if X is an infinity, nan or missing value
if isinfnanmiss(X);
    // Write error message
    errorlogat "X contains is a nan, missing value or infinity";

The above example will print the message:

X contains is a nan, missing value or infinity

to the error output window and error log file. It will also report the line number on which the errorlogat() statement was called.

See also

Functions errorlog()